Toronto Accountant, CPA Toronto
Picture of Peter Ralevic

Peter Ralevic


Five Ways your Company Can Save Time in 2019

How to Save Company Time in 2019

No matter who you are or what your business does, there’s a good chance you feel like you don’t have enough time. Business owners, CEOs, managers, and other top employees often feel like they don’t have enough hours in the day. However, now that 2019 is here, it’s time to make some changes and see what can be done to improve the situation this year.

Here are five ways your organization can save time this year.

Get Organized

A lot of companies waste time because they’re not organized. This becomes more and more common as a business grows in size. What worked when your company employed ten people becomes too difficult to deal with when you have thousands. That’s why staying organized is crucial.

From your company’s filing to your document retention policies to your actual physical space, create a plan for getting everything organized and then stick with it throughout the year. Not only will it make day-to-day activities easier, but you’ll be in a much better position at tax time if you know exactly where all of your receipts and documents are, for instance.

Upgrade Software

The type of software that your business uses matters. If you’re using old or outdated software, you might be spending more time dealing with issues and troubleshooting problems than you need to. It may also be taking you longer to complete tasks than it should. Upgrading your software programs can solve these issues.

You may also wish to consider using software in new applications as well. For instance, using document management software can save you a lot of time as all of your organization’s key documents will be available to those who need them within seconds.


As mentioned, businesses need to change as they grow. One significant way to do this is to automate some of your business processes. Automating workflow processes will free up time that employees can use to complete other tasks. Take a look at your business, speak with your management team and your department managers, and find out if there are any processes that are especially time-consuming. Then, investigate if there are any ways to automate these processes.

Develop New Processes

In addition to streamlining and automating the processes you already have, you may also want to come up with some new processes for your business. If there is a process that is inconsistent or that everyone does a different way, there’s a good chance of finding an inefficiency here. Create new processes to get everyone working in the same direction.

Work with Professionals

The larger a business gets, the more often it will need to turn to professional assistance. After all, large businesses are often quite complex and no single leader, no matter how skilled they are, can handle doing everything in a timely and efficient manner.

Not only will working with a professional firm save you time, but it will likely save you money as well. A professional will have strategies, tactics, and the experience needed to make your organization more efficient, helping you plan and save money. For instance, working with a Chartered Professional Accountant can free up your team from having to do accounting, tax preparation, tax planning, and other financial tasks in house. They can also help you create processes and plans that will save your company money. Contact us today for more information or to get a quote for our services.

Picture of Peter Ralevic

Peter Ralevic


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